
The Delair-Stack Python SDK has a unique entry point through the delairstack.sdk.DelairStackSDK class. When instantiating that class, one must provide credentials through:

Keyword Arguments

Here are the configurable properties:

  • user - The user identifier. Required if not provided through a configuration file, nor using client_id

  • password - The account password. Required if not provided through a configuration file and user is used.

  • client_id - An API client identifier. Required if not provided through a configuration file, nor using user.

  • secret - The API client secret. Required if not provided through a configuration file and client_id is used.

  • access_token - An optional API access token to use to authenticate requests as an alternative to using user or client_id.

  • url - The public endpoint of Delair-Stack. Default to

  • connection - A dictionnary providing the connection configuration.

  • proxy_url - An optional proxy URL (⚠️ will be overrided by the value of https_proxy or http_proxy environment variable if set).

The connection configuration can specify the default number of retries through the key max_retries (the default is to retry each request 10 times with a backoff factor) and whether to disable check of SSL certificates through the key disable_ssl_certificate (the default is to disable such checks).

Configuration File

Configuration can be read from a file. Configuration files must be written using JSON format as a single JSON object. The supported properties are the same as the one described in the Keyword Arguments section.

The path of the default configuration file depends on the operating system and is documented with the delairstack.core.config.ConnectionConfig class.

Example Configuration File

Here is a simple configuration file:

{"user": "",
 "password": "20h!nph-14-l2394"}

And a more complete one, specifying both a custom URL and connection configurations:

  "user": "",
  "password": "20h!nph-14-12394",
  "url": "",
  "connection": {
    "max_retries": 3,
    "disable_ssl_certificate": true
  "proxy_url": ""

Custom Configuration File

In case one has multiple accounts, it’s possible to specify a custom configuration file. For example, to instantiate a delairstack.sdk.DelairStackSDK using the configuration found in the ~/.local/share/python-delairstack/devconf.json file:

from delairstack import DelairStackSDK
sdk = DelairStackSDK(config_path='~/.local/share/python-delairstack/devconf.json')